Now - why did I tell you this? Because we FORGET! Folks, we have been here before! And what is most exciting is that we OVERCAME! These recessions affect us in horrible ways - loss of jobs, homes, incomes, effects to our health, so on. A great book, "The Brain Longevity" by Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D. talks about the effects of stress on our health! So it is no wonder that we have lots of stress related illnesses! However, recessions many times help to also "readjust" the system. Not a good thing to tell someone who has just lost their job and don't know where to turn! But, many times we are forced out of our "comfort zone" and we take new steps to success. Many, many have overcome adversities this same way.
This reality is exactly what made me go into Internet & Network Marketing. I have been in sales for over 30 years. If I keet doing the same thing I have always done - will I be ahead in the next 30 years! Well, with the economy as it is right now, my answer was obvious and I knew I had to step out from my "comfort zone" and begin searching and learning!
Many times I think about the precious stones and gems that we have - as the diamond, the pearl, and even gold! And if we think about how they are made - diamonds are created under pressure, pearls are created by irritation, and gold is purified by fire! We, too, must be shaped, pressured, irritants enter our lives, and many of us feel we have walked through fire! All of these "life lessons" are there for a purpose. We step out, stick with it, make it happen, come out victorious! We just need to keep on keeping on!
I am here to encourage you to have your own home business, whether internet or product, because you need the tax breaks. You may be someone that quickly finds all the necessary pieces of the business and become successful. Then, again, you may be someone that needs a road map (that was me!) and if you follow it closely - you will succeed. In either case, this program is designed to help you.
Not only are the tax breaks a welcomed site on your 1040 Tax Return, but by building your own business at home, you have freedom, the opportunity to make much more than a regular "job" can give. In the beginning, you may be working your full time job and your home business at the same time. I set a goal - I said that when my Internet Business made as much a month as 6 sales in the month, then I would go full time with my Internet Business. And that is what I did! You may want to set a goal such as that for yourself - example, "when my home based business creates the same income as my regular job and my spouse's job - we will be full time in the home business". Wouldn't that be great! Or, you may just want a little extra, but still enjoy the tax breaks of a home business. Whatever your dream is - claim it.
I believe the very best thing we can do - is to focus on WHAT WE WANT. Write it down, make a list, read it every day. Find pictures that you can put on a "vision board" for you and your family. Commit to achieving. A great book: Jack Canfield's "Key to Living the Law of Attraction".
Maybe here would be a good time to ask ourselves what we believe the word Freedom means to us. The freedom to work the hours you want to work. The freedom to take off work, go on vacation when it is best for you. Freedom to make as much as you want - change your financial picture, control your paycheck. Freedom to start in the morning when the children have left for school. Freedom to pick them up when they need you. Freedom from the worry of loosing your "job" when the next "cut" comes. Freedom of taking your spouse away for the week just to spend time together. There are so many descriptions of Freedom and you have some special ones of your own.
Internet Marketing/Network Marketing/Home Based Businesses are the fastest growing businesses today. These businesses are making millionaires quicker than any other business! And if you were to talk to other millionaires, the majority would tell you that they were involved in Internet Marketing/Network Marketing at some time in their life. How many of us wished we had been involved in Avon, Amway, Tupperware, PrePaid Legal, etc., at the very, very beginning and stuck with it! Where would we be today!
By the way - I was curious - I wanted to see how many sites there were for: Home Based Business (54,500,000), Internet Marketing (2,120,000,000) and Network Marketing (549,000,000). Of course those numbers are going up all the time! But the numbers give us a good guideline as to how many people are making decisions to change their life.
The average house hold income in America today is $25,000 with 2 checks coming into the home. Most people are using and maximizing their credit cards - the average credit card debt is $9,000. The interest rates on those cards vary from 5-27% or more, very very few are ever less. And with FILO (first in, last out) you can see that it is nearly impossible to get rid of this debt. Also, a major credit card company is raising their interest rate to 10% and if you are late once - then it goes to 25-27%. The only way we believe we have to get out of this "mess" is get another job! You may even believe that you have to go back to school and get a degree. We need to teach our children about finances. Most schools - elementary, high school and college - do not teach principles of finance.
Ever read: Rich Dad, Poor Dad - by Robert Kiyosaki? He teaches great lessons. He also did a book with Donald Trump: "Why We Want You To Be Rich". These books make you think - deep think!
While we are making money with our Internet business - we need to be learning how to handle this money so we get the maximum use of it! AND we never fall into a deficet situation again - and we can avoid charge cards and their massive interest rates! Learn the difference between good debt and bad debt (In Robert Kiyosaki's book).
If your answers are YES - then you need to continue. We are just talking about setting up a Home-Based business - then, we can talk about products, services, etc., that are available to you (which are many, many, many).
Some of us wake up and believe with all our hearts that we can make our life better by starting our own business! And we do!! Some take longer because of the learning process, some of us are lucky and find the right system that pulls it all together for us because they lived in our shoes at one time. The best system to start your learning is By the time you go to bed, you could have your business set up. You could wake up tomorrow and begin taking the tax breaks others are privy to. You could open up a whole new page - full of excitement - of your life. You can begin living your life of freedom. It takes the first step!
There are books that help us grow and help us change the way we have been programmed. These are very helpful: E-Myth Mastery, CashFlow Quandrant: Rich Dad's Guide to Financial Freedom", Napoleon Hill's Law of Success.
It is time to take the first step. Won't you? Remember, the process is the product! Learn this process - share it with family, friends, neighbors, - get them using the process - go to: You will be very glad you did!
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